Yenilenme Tarihi: 19.04.2003
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karikatürcü arkadaşımız Raquel Orzuj'dan 2
tane günlük karikatür/ Uruguay Cartoonist Raquel Orzuj 's 2 daily new cartoons...
Raquel Orzuj is born in Montevideo, Uruguay. It studies in the National School of Beautiful Arts, Institute of Professors Artigas and Factory Towers Garci'a. Painter, sketcher of humor, caricaturist and strip cartoonist. She makes critic and investigation of Art and Art of Humor. In 1977, the Palme initiates its activity in the outside by invitation of Robert, director of the Pavilion of the Humor of Montreal. From 1988 publisher of the magazine of international humor is foreing?Wittyworld. On 1994 the International of Graphical Humor of the Woman founds?Salón. It obtained more than twenty national and international prizes. Its work this represented in the Museum of Art of the O.A.S. in Washington DC?donde makes his first international individual exhibition; Museum of Modern Art of Mexico; Museum of the Cartoon of Tolentino, Italy; Wilhelm Bush
Museum, Hannover, |
Germany; Zemun Cartoon
Museum, Yugoslavia; Cartoon Art Museum, California, the U.S.A., among
others. Mentioned in the following bibliography: "The Exhibition of Famous Painters of Uruguay", Taipei
Museum, RCA of China; "Latin American Indice of Art", O.A.S., Washington
DC; "Women in Cartoon", Or Macedo de Souza,
Portugal; "Who is Who in Cartoon", the U.S.A.;
"Amérique du Sud", Saint Just him Martel,
France; "International Anthology of Anti-racism
Humor", European Union, etc. Cartoon Archiv publishes its cartoons in
Germany. Its work is reproduced in publications of Spain,
Italy, England, Poland, Bulgaria, Turkey, Israel and Belgium among
others. |
Raquel --->>
Orzuj"Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 18:40:45 -0300